Plantar Fasciitis & Bone Spurs

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spur Treatment in Henderson, NV

Plantar Fasciitis or “bone spurs” are the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a long and thin ligament that connects your calcaneus or “heel bone” to your forefoot and supports the arch of your foot. It is meant to absorb some of the shock experienced by the feet, but occasionally, it gets damaged with inflammation and even tearing of the ligament.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Henderson NV

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

People that are prone to developing plantar fasciitis include those that are obese, have high arches, have tight calf muscles, or those that participate in high impact activities including some sports and running.

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

Symptoms include significant heel pain and swelling, as well as pain that is worse with the first few steps in the morning or after rest and that may improve after a few steps. Patients usually feel better wearing a shoe with a higher heel.

Diagnosing Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is diagnosed mainly by clinical examination. X-rays may show a bony spur on the bottom of the calcaneus. Contrary to its laymen’s name, plantar fasciitis pain is not caused by the bone spur itself. Therefore, the plantar fasciitis pain can be treated without surgical removal of the bony spur.

Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Nonsurgical Treatment

Over 90% of patients with plantar fasciitis will improve with nonsurgical treatment. This involves the use of anti-inflammatory medication and repetitive stretching. The 2 proven stretches include the wall calf stretch and the plantar fascia stretch. Holding this for 30 seconds at a time, but performing 8-12 stretches a day would be most effective.

Other types of nonsurgical management may include the use of orthotics or a gel heel cup, the use of night splints, and participation in physical therapy. A corticosteroid injection may be done to reduce the inflammation of the plantar fascia.

Surgical Treatment

If a patient fails with nonsurgical treatment, then surgery may be required. This may involve lengthening the calf muscle, or gastrocnemius release, or even partial plantar fascia release. Occasionally, release of an entrapped nerve, Baxter’s nerve, is necessary.

Request More Information

To request more information about Plantar Fasciitis treatment in Henderson, NV, please call (702) 258-3773 or contact us online today!

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